2024-10-13 12:14:45
维克多英语· 出品从今天到10月下旬,当我们结束一天的课程,吃完晚餐,慢慢往教学楼走的时候,不妨抬头看看西南偏西方向,那里正有一颗明亮的彗星拖着长长的黄色彗尾,路过我们的星球。这颗彗星叫紫金山-阿特拉斯,每绕太阳一周大约需要6万年,10月12日,也就是今天,距离我们的地球最近。在未来两周左右,位于北半球的我们都可以在清晨或傍晚观测到它,但每天肉眼可观测的窗口期很短,只有10到20分钟。视频来自SPACE.COM错过今年,只能再等6万年。假设你们学校组织全体同学今晚6点到6点半集体观赏“紫金山-阿特拉斯(Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)”,请写一则通知告诉大家这个消息,词数80左右。NoticeWe are excited to announce that our school will be organizing a group viewing of the rare comet, Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, on the evening of October 12th. The event will take place from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM. Please remember to join us for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness the wonder.Here are a few important things to keep in mind for the comet viewing:1. Dress warmly, as the evening temperatures can drop.2. Be patient and give your eyes time to adjust to the darkness for the best experience.We look forward to an unforgettable night of stargazing!如何肉眼观测这颗彗星?为什么它被叫做“紫金山-阿特拉斯”?我们整合了NPR和NASA的两篇文章,一起来了解一下,这颗绕太阳一圈就需要6万年的彗星,到底从何而来。Rare comet visible in the night sky won’t return for 60,000 years夜空中罕见的彗星在6万年后才会出现Look up into the sky this month and you might see a rare comet that won’t return for tens of thousands of years.在这个月,抬头仰望夜空,你可能会看到一颗罕见的彗星,这颗彗星在数万年后才会再次回归。Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, also known as C/2023 A3 to scientists and pronounced Choo-cheen-shahn, is expected to be visible to the naked eye across the NorthernHemisphere (半球)for several weeks in October, with the best opportunity between Oct. 12 and 26, according to NASA.据NASA称,天文学家预测这颗名为紫金山-阿特拉斯的彗星,也称为C/2023 A3,在10月份几周内跨越北半球时,将可以用肉眼观测到,最佳观测时间为10月12日至26日。 The snowy dirtball is nearly 2 miles in diameter (直径)and its tail of dust and gasses extends for tens of millions of miles, Bill Cooke, lead of NASA'sMeteoroid (流星体)Environment Office at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, told NPR.NASA马歇尔太空飞行中心的流星体环境办公室负责人比尔·库克告诉NPR,这颗雪球状的小行星直径近2英里,由尘埃和气体构成的彗尾长达数千万英里。The comet got its name from the first astronomers and observers who saw it in early 2023. The Tsuchinshan Observatory in China detected it first in January, followed by a team using theAsteroid Terrestrial-Impact Last alert System(小行星地面撞击最后警报系统), or ATLAS, in South Africa.这颗彗星得名于2023年初首次观测到它的天文学家和观察员。中国紫金山天文台在1月份首次发现这颗彗星,随后南非小行星地面撞击最后警报系统团队报告其存在彗星特征。observer n观测者;目击者According to initial reports from astronomers, the comet’s orbit around the sun could be once every 80,000 years, making its appearance near Earth a once-in-a-lifetime event.据天文学家初步报告,这颗彗星绕太阳运行轨道可能是每8万年一次,这使得它在地球附近出现成为一生仅一次的奇观。Its closest approach to our planet will be on Saturday, Oct. 12, when it will be at a distance of 44 million miles. For perspective, Mars is about 140 million miles away.这颗彗星将在10月12日星期六最接近我们的星球,届时它距离地球仅4400万英里。相比之下,火星距离地球约1亿4000万英里。How to see Tsuchinshan-ATLAS?如何观测紫金山-阿特拉斯?In September and the first days of October, the comet has been visible closer to the equator and from the Southern Hemisphere, but as we approach mid-October, it will start becoming more visible across the Northern Hemisphere. It is, though, getting farther from Earth with each day, according to NASA.在9月和10月的头几天,在赤道附近和南半球都可以观测到这颗彗星,但随着时间来到10月中旬,北半球开始更方便观测这颗彗星。然而,根据NASA称,紫金山-阿特拉斯正在远离地球。If you search for it in the dawn twilight, you’ll have to look east-southeast just above the horizon. You’ll have to face west-southwest if you search for the comet in the evening.如果你在黎明前的微光中寻找它,你必须向地平线上方的东南偏东方向看。如果你在傍晚寻找它,你必须面朝西南偏西的方向。Comets areleftover debrisfrom when the solar system formed and are composed mainly of dust, rock and ice, according to NASA. As they approach the sun, they send out gases and dust, which create theiriconictail.据NASA称,彗星是太阳系形成时留下的碎片,主要由尘埃、岩石和冰块组成。当彗星靠近太阳时,它们会释放气体和尘埃,形成标志性的彗尾。leftover n 遗留物;残存物iconic adj 符号的star相关表达01you're a star! (表示感激某人)你真是个大好人!02see stars(因头部被撞击等)两眼直冒金星03reach for stars 追求难以实现的东西;努力完成壮举04thank your lucky stars真走运;吉星高照你们那能看到紫金山-阿特拉斯吗?往期链接
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